acg3fly on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

November 28, 2013
Theme W7 Don Pipirulando by *acg3fly
Featured by fediaFedia
acg3fly's avatar

Theme W7 Don Pipirulando(updated 11/Mar/2014)


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Temas W7:
Theme W7 El chilapastroso Joe(Updated 1-May-2014) by acg3fly    Theme W7 Mula Maizera (updated Feb27-2014) by acg3fly    Theme Windows7 Ahhh Chingaa!! (last updated 9/Mar) by acg3fly    Theme Windows 7 Rata Topo (last updated 9 Mar) by acg3fly

RocketDock Skin:
Tablon by acg3fly

Start Orb:
StartOrb 2Topo by acg3fly   Start Orb Sumidon by acg3fly

Bueno aqui les traigo un nuevo tema para Windows7
Espero que les guste
Sobretodo comenten para saber que opinan y si les dan a favoritos estaria genial, ese es muy buen pago para los que hacemos cosas y las compartimos
Adentro estan las instrucciones para instalar el tema correctamente
Chequen mis otros temas tambien :)

:bulletorange: Visit my…

:bulletred: If you want to spare one point please visit my profile

:typerhappy: Thank you very much

Well here is a new theme for Windows7 that i want to share with all of you guys
I hope like you
Comment to know what you think about it this theme and if you added this in your favs will be great
Inside are the instruccions to install it correctly
Check out my others themes too :)

:bulletorange: Visit my…

:bulletred: If you want to spare one point please visit my profile

:typerhappy: Thank you very much
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DanielSerme's avatar
Este super encantador me encanta es full glass y todo es beio :D +fav